Hi, I'm Johan RAVAIL

I am a mechanical and industrial Engineer from ENSAM Engineering School.

I extended my expertise as Data Analyst and Machine learning contributor, building models on Kaggle.

I look forward to using AI for supply chain, business strategy or lean projects.

Professional skills

For some time now, I’ve been working closely with engineers, first as student-contractor in the junior company (AMJE) on technical engineering topics (involving Ansys, Catia and mechanical computing),

And then as an Industrial & Process Engineer for Essilor, a position in which I became a data-driven project manager improving my skills in Python, SQL and Lean manufacturing understanding.

Data science

I address real world problems using machine learning to build predictive models including : Clustering, feature engineering, classification and regression

Design engineering

Throughout my master of science I took part in design projects with the AMJE involving skills  : pre-analysis, design C.A.D and mechanical simulation across complex systems.

Supply Chain and analysis

I have been working for two years as a process and industrial engineer for Essilor. During this time I have led supply chain and lean process improvement projects.


Here I will present some projects that I have worked on in the past years such as :

  • Design and simulation of a bike frame 
  • Design and implantation of a wind turbine 
  • Creation of an artificial feet for studying the correlation of ankle strain and shoes
  • Machine learning algorithm predicting handwriting
  • Machine learning algorithm predicting future sales

Adventure fills your soul

Learning new ways to express yourself, staying cool when facing tricky situations and gain perspective on your life.


Yucatán Peninsula

Of course there is Cancun,

But If you want to truly explore Yucatan, you are going to have to explore more secluded areas where the gems of the peninsula are.


Why is Alaska so magnetic ?

Is it its rugged natural beauty and pristine wilderness ? Or maybe it’s this feeling of true adventure, silence and peace.

Passion & purpose in sport

All my life I sought out learning new sports and outdoor activities, why ?

They give me another perspective of the world, they put sensations on ideas and fulfill my dreams.

Sport has always helped me to develop mental toughness, team spirit, friendship and other facets of my personality.